time warp

ive been so entertained lately. doing stuff at school staying till really late, rehersals, luncheons, friends with crazy stories to la, and all before i go home.
and then i go home. and wait till it begins again monday.
i havent really "gone out" like during my home time, in quite awhile.
theres like this seperation between my home life and school life. it never mingles nobody knows who i talk to everyday at home. i dont neccissarelreklhjafla know if i like it. but i still feel the need to branch out,im getting stuck in one group again and that i know will be a problem. i just will all the guys werent gay, literally gay. thats what you get in this kind of atmosphere.
its also weird, sometimes i do feel like im looking through a movie lens, like im just watching people and i dont really know whats going on. i dont know them i dont know what im talking about. nevermind.
but today, about a few minutes ago, i realized that i its like i never went to highschool, it didnt matter where i went, or who i was, its ground zero now and im perfectly fine with that. i found my yearbook, curiously i opened it from the back and started flipping through and i couldnt look. i just closed it before getting to the pc page. i dont want to be reminded of stuff of that sorts.
people dont understand its better that way. just to forget.

but lo and behold, i still have to buy a damn formal dress and put that stupid thing back on my head for the last time.

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