19 you're only 19 for godsake you don't need a boyfriend!

im not sad. it doesnt hurt.
i just wish i could have no holds
how unhumanly possible is that?
i want to go from city to city
state to state
country to country.
just spend some time in one place, make friends and memories and then just leave.
i cant imagine a life of just the same thing over and over again
redundant. repetitive. trite.
going home to husband and kids. going home to boringness. nope not me.
i think this goes good with who i am
like when i look at pictures and just wish i could delete them
all of them and forget.
i have never had a fucking niche.
i will never find my fucking niche.
and i like it that way.

as the day of friday.
may the wrecking of havoc commence.

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