
we talked until it was getting late, not too late but late enough that it was going to be past the sun's curfew. but it wasnt cold, the summer heat still lingered in the air keeping us warm like the snuggy towel in that laundery detergent bottle. it was nice, we could see the little cars pass by in the distance and the shimmer of the sunset hitting the windows of the tiny buildings and reflecting twinkles into our eyes, which therefore made us squint just a bit when we talked. our faces looked pretty funny to each other, but we ignored it and kept chatting.

and we talked of her life as a teenager back in the day, romances and decisions that made her cry of confusion (and later realizing that it was stupid to go to such extremes), falling in a tub of fish with heels on and how she finally came to be with us. it was nice and perfect and everything smelled of what seem to be the odor of happiness.

"stephanie, you know i love you right? even when i get mad sometimes i dont really know what im saying when im mad, but i still love you."

"yeah i know. i dont mean things when i get mad either, so i understand. and i love you too, even though sometimes i dont put the dishes away when you tell me to"

"haha, by the way you need to do that. but you will tell me when you fall in love right? and when you have problems too okay."

"hahaha ay, thought i was gona escape that. yeahh, but i doubt that will happen, i think i'll just be a nun."


"hahaha im just playing with you, i promise i will tell you. might be a while"

"okay. so when im old and cant do anything...what are you going to do with me?"

"retirement home! hahaha no, i'll get a big house for me with a lot of land and then get a spare house for you and papi. it will be nice.watch!"

"you better, you promised."

one of the only memories i've kept.
a script in my head and a movie in my dreams.
a promise is a promise.

1 comment:

anam said...

i love you smeza