go love yourself.

And i,
I want you to know
Everyones got to face down the demons
Maybe today
You could put the past away


-had like this weird funk in wich i bet i went a smudge insane with internal conflict.got over it.

-my birthday was the BEST EVER. why? here it goes: THURSDAY, in the day tay and momo and all my friends at school made me feel so special with cakes and goodies and BALLOONS, nitetime,not planned at all, dion and nickko took me out to the brea mall where we looked at flannel for like an hour and nastay stuff and ipod gear for another hour and ended it with going to the hat and eating chili cheese fries,so nice of them boys i love them both; FRIDAY,went to eat at a colombian place that i love with my cousins and family,SATURDAY, oh gosh amazing! went to chuckechese with momo,wangwang,native,angel,clarence,mark n dani,jess(stopped by :)guti,dion and sunny and i hope they had a nice time, first played some games and then i went in the tubes with morgana and sunny after being chases by this mean lil' girl and it felt so nice acting like i was 8 again, played some more games and cut my cake and ice cream (wich they surprized me with), went to a kareoke place and sang the randomest crap and even dion and momo sang!! and finally i had to rush home cos my dad was being ridiculous and like at 11 some of the kids ding dong ditched my door and wrote a cute little note with chalk and then i had to chase them down haha so amazing that they still hung out all together. i am so grateful for them and the kindness they showed me! THANKS GUYS! awww my heart just grew like .5 times bigger and SUNDAY, yet another cake with my family. hahaa.

-this weekend hopefully ill go get some new clothes.


-sometimes i wonder why i cant find that special someone, or more why they cant find me. like like i think back and i wonder whats wrong with me? like "why did he want her instead of me?" like those questions yeh know? is it cause shes simple and light or i dunno. theres no black or white just gray areas around here. did he ever really like me..or was it like he said..that he never did and was just waiting till she was over that other guy? WELL IM DONE WITH THINKING LIKE THAT. man you can have each other.

-i miss you guys. with your weird music and and funny notions and i sometimes i wish things didnt change. but there are reasons for everything sometimes you dont know the actual reason.

-ive been writing alot lately and singing. i like it. need to start a band.

-lose weight again. and get healthy for track.

-take better pictures.get things done. stop being lazy.



Cre-Stow-Fer said...
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Anonymous said...

fuck you