this picture is SUPER old and i really dont want to revert back to THAT EXACT time. oh god please no.

but i remember it all. everything every feeling ever motion. just a cocktail of good and bad. but mostly now im left with regret, like an olive in the glass. so on, so forth. today i think i rather had an ephinany or an "ah ha" moment. highschool isnt very much different then elementery or middle school. people still use most of the same attitudes and phrases. and then there is some people that just dont grow up.so immature, they dont see it at all, their whole life is just an etch-a-sketch. shaking people in and out of there lives just like a magnetic sand drawings and hoping for some new toy to come along. those people i feel the most sorry for.
but no worries at all.

you can't live your life like seafoam because soon you'll just mix in with the rest of the ocean.

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